Monday, March 14, 2016

Busy day...

First day of spring break and I've been very busy, and not just sewing.  In the morning I finished the Alberta block for the Canadian Mystery Quilt" by Shania Sunga Designs.  Alberta and Nunavut are both done

Each block is very busy and very detailed.  It takes a while to do.  I have two more to catch up.  Hope to complete that this week.

Two big goals, finish the quilt for my friend Gro, and finish that modern one.  Worked this afternoon on another modern block.  A row is ready for joining.  I'm excited about that😊

Look at my great spiral.

But I also went back to my school to pick up my quilting rulers (showed them to a friend) so I can use them.  Stopped at Home Depot, got some supplies to work around the place.  Stopped at the library for some books.  Came home, fixed the shower curtain, replaced some lights in the place, clean the bathrooms, washed the rug in the sewing room, did a load of laundry, did the quilting mentioned above, and made supper.

Tonight, reading a book and watching a movie.  May even do some hand appliqué while watching.  

Enough for one day.


  1. oh,,, you are doing the Canadian mystery quilt. It is lovely.... Sold out though,, very hard to get,,, Hope you are having a great week,,, sorry you left your rulers at school... silly girl,, should have put them back in your bag after you showed me,,,

    1. Got them and tried them out after practising. Had great fun today. How's your sewing going?

  2. Sewing is good,,, had a great week,,, did not get to the sewing show,, but went to FabricLand, which was just a good,,,
    Went to Joanns and bought a new rotating cutting mat 60 % off coupon,,, made some bunnies this past weekend,,, updated my blog,,, now planning my next adventure,,,


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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