Sunday, March 13, 2016

What's the Plan for Spring Break

We'll have had a busy day at a quilting class for the last two days doing modern improv the easy way and is it every easy.  We learned how to make curved modern blocks and then quilt as you go.  Every method this woman taught us is the easy way to do it.

The only problem I had was letting go. The quilt blocks start at 20" each and you use a version of the whack and stack but you do very loose circles.  You then mix and match and resew everything.  Marianne Haak was the teacher.  Her website is the Quilting Edge.  Tutorials are on the site about how to put thin and fat borders around the blocks you quilt ahead of time.  I'm excited about what I've done so far.  I have 9 blocks completed.  Two of them I sewed together to make a bigger block and it's almost completely quilted.  I'll do another block and practise putting the two blocks together with a wide band of red...  Here's the one block I have so far and a couple of pictures of blocks not quilted.

the blocks I created.  There are 12 in total.  Look at the top calm ones
then the red ones.

This one is quilted.  You can see some of the lines at the right by the red stripe.  The white is the number of the block's position in the quilt.  Used Aurifill rust color.

Here is the "All People's Quilt Challenge" update so far.

Status Before
Status Afterward
1)  Pixilated Sunflower I created
All cut out and sewn, needs to be quilted.

2)  Birds on a wire from Quilt Mania
Have a birds cut out, and some of the small quilts.  Need to continue to put them on and quilt entire thing.
3)  Midnight Garden
All material there but haven’t cut anything
March - hoping for 3 things.  
4)  Garden that’s applique and wool – block of the month
All material is there but nothings been quilted.

5)  Blue stars
Two stars made, need to come up with idea to bind
February - Have a design in mind.
6)  Houses – block of the month
All material is there,

7)  Block Lotto quilt - scraps
Missing 10 blocks – last two months, needs to be put together and quilted

8)  Green strip quilt
Quilts entirely made except for a side edge to make it a queen size quilt.  Need to put on sashing then quilt it all

9)  Lily quilt
All completed.  Even sold.  Need to quilt it.

10)  two more quilts from the book PreCut Primers – authors Me and My Sister Designs.
These use 2 ½ strips to create.  Have material but not much more.  Need to cut.

There are others as well.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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