Sunday, March 6, 2016

Quick One...

Got the quilt done right away but I'm so tired, is quick entry.  It's fab! For my OMG goal.

Quilting is like the sun rays coming down

All small quilts are 3D

They're attached by the pins on top of the quilt

Where I got the pattern.  Love this magazine


  1. Silly girl up all night sewing,,, LOL,, what fun,, I love this ,,, I might need to borrow that pattern one day,,,,

  2. Really easy to do, make small quilts which you do now.

  3. This is the cutest! All those little quilts! Thank you for linking up with One Monthly Goal!

    I need to check Quilt Mania;)


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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