Monday, April 11, 2016

Entering the 2nd Quarter UPDATE

OK, I've been doing well, getting a number of quilts done.  Into three different "Keep on task" groups to help me get the work done.  I was feeling overwhelmed, but I'm back on track.  So I decided to enter this quarter's goal settings.  Here's the picture and an explanation of each one.

0 - My row by row - water -  I have 58 (yes I know crazy) so I want to get at least 27 done to make one of the quilts.  I have 27 rows from Washington and from Arizona, and I want it done before this madness (extremely fun) projects starts again this year.

1 - A quilt for a very good friend of mine - tea time.  Have 2 rows to go, then quilting.  Plan on getting this one done by the end of this month.

2 - tulips paper piecing.  Small project but great for this spring time.

3 - My modern quilt as you go.  Been working on it for a month.  Will be done by the end of April.  DONE.

4 - A panel wall hanging that I've had since last summer.  Got the material, want to finish it.

5 - A large lap quilt I call the garden - was an Aurilfill block of the month from two years ago.  Need to quilt it.  I've already sold it.

6 - My pixulated quilt.  Want it to be a surprise.  I'm quilting it now.  It's done but the quilting is so small it's taking forever.

7 - two panels of the bird quilt.  There are 9 of them.  Have two already done.

8 - A queen quilt already completed, I need to quilt it.  I'm looking at making it a cover for a light white quilt I already have.  I don't like white on a bed with a cat  ;)

9 + 10 - two quilts from the School book by Sew Sisters.  Excited to do this.  I've already done one from the book, it's so much fun!!!

11 - Blocks from the BOM for Canada.  It's a panel for every province.  Need to complete this for next year's Canada Quilt theme.  TWO DONE.

12 - A pixelated pattern that I've been working on of Spock, for my Trekkie mother!!!  I'm bring it to her at the start of August to Manitoba, so I HAVE to meet the deadline for this one.

13 - A BOM I did online with Craftsy.  Was great fun and the 2nd part of it (another Craftsy class) is how to quilt each and every block.  The quilt has a traditional block and a similar modern block.  I loved doing this quilt but it's taking me forever (keep on putting is off) to finish the quilting Craftsy class.  But I'll be back at it, been practising quilting.

and finally, this one is not in the picture but it's one I plan to finish in April.  It's by Zen Chic - I love this quilt.  #14 -

This is my entry to the 2nd Quarter of the 2016 Finish Along - My first time.

I'm linking to Leanne from She Can Quilt.  But here are the other hosts:
2016 FAL


  1. Good luck with your projects and thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts!

  2. Hi Nicole. Hope you are feeling better. I was so worried, you gave us a scare. Rest well..Dee

  3. These are some pretty ambitious goals! I know all about becoming overwhelmed! I had so many projects going at once last summer, my head was spinning! I'm going a little slower now. Love them all! Good luck meeting your goals!

    1. I'm type "A" can you tell? Already three are done... and two that were not on the list.... Working at it, but teaching full time while I'm doing it. I see you're a teacher as well?


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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