Friday, April 1, 2016

OMG for April

Already April and where has the time gone?  The weather has warmed up, I'm able to go for warm walks, and less rain for staying in and sewing.  But I still have goals to meet and quilts to finish so here are my 3 goals for this month (yes, three):  

1.  Finish the tea set quilt for my friend, quilting and all.   I have the tea cup row completed, and working on the final border of flowers.

2.  Complete my quilt from Zen Chick.  Haven't even started.  But the pattern is below and I do have the material.  A gift from my aunt for Christmas.  Love the style, can't wait to start it.  It's modern and simple at the same time.

3.  Do two blocks from my collection of Row by Row blocks.  After all I have 47 to go and the new series is coming in.  Which ones is unknown.  It's what ever takes my fancy...

And OK, one more, finish my modern quilt that has turned into a queen size quilt.  Thanks Marianne Haak who taught us this style of quilting to the Fraser Valley Quilting Guild.  Here wesite Quilting Edge gives a number of tutorials on how to do the blocks.  I started with the idea of doing 9 blocks.  I've reached 16, and am still counting.  I have one more row to complete to finish a king size quilt.  Here's the look so far:

One more row to go.

Anything more is extra - if there will be extra time??!!

Short and sweet.  Hooking up to RedLetter Quilts for the OMG listing.

1 comment:

One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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