Friday, June 10, 2016

A day of calming down

So yesterday wasn't exactly the perfect day... One of my students left the school camera in a classroom and it was only by luck that on Wednesday the teacher in that room found it and returned it to the yearbook teacher.  Possible loss of $1200 for the student to replace the camera....  Had to go I. Thursday to talk to the student.  Now usually I take Thursday to get sleep and calm down, its been a trying school year of two family members dieing within 6 months of each other and not only am I physically tired from teaching, but emotionally, I need a break as well.  

There was that, and student problems, and computer repairs, and district meeting, etc....  And to top it all off, I got hit with an allergy attach, the Home Economics department cooked chocolate cupcakes and guess what happens to me when I smell the strong sent of chocolate?  My throat closes up.  I know all the women out there are going " Oh my goodness!  Not chocolate!"  But yes ladies.  I can't eat it, I have migraines and throw up for about two to three hours, and now the smell...  If I have notice I can take allergy pills and stop it from starting, but if it's too late, it was two reactines and still I feel sick...  Lose my voice....  Headaches...  And just a feel terrible.  So I stayed home Friday, tried to sleep in and get over the attack yesterday.  It was a day of relaxing and sewing and sewing out my sorrows.

It started like this....

Then went to this....

Now it's this....

And it's suppose to be similar to this picture...

What do you think?  Need to paint the bottom a bit...  But it's getting there.

I also completed the following:

It's the Canadian Mystery Quilt for Nova Scotia from Shania Sunga Designa.  This is my forth one, I'm one behind....  

I also cut out a block from the Midnight Garden.  The sunflower part.  Will stitch it by hand tomorrow

And a girlfriend gave me a kit last week (lucky me!).to cheer me up.  It worked.  Will get it done this weekend.  It is also from Shania Sanga, whales.  Love the look and it's 33" x 35" .  Perfect for my wall. 

Can't wait to start this one...  

I do feel better now.  A little tired, but emotionally better.  Sewing does that for me.  But is it me or does that quilt with the trees look sad?  Tell me what you think.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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