Friday, June 17, 2016

Busy Friday

It's been a day of report cards and the last day with kids.... Very busy.  Then the doctor then picking up groceries, dry cleaning, getting vegetables, picking up my sewing machine after being repaired, then home to change the bed, do laundry, vacuum, make supper and finally sitting down.  

So to treat myself I did a bit of playing (15 minutes of play) trying out color markers and iron on ribbon from a sample quilt I picked up from the Washington Sewing Show this year.  The Dutch Quilter made the Flower Block by the Month, and I bought one to try it out.  Got to say I did enjoy the play.  Used the markers on the fabric as well as the ribbon.  Then used crystals to add pizzazz.

Next was finishing one of the BOM from McKenna Ryan - Home Tweet Home.  This block is called Honey I'm Home.  The pieces are so tiny, it hurts....  But in the end it will look spectacular.  What do you think?

Finally for the night I finished ironing on the last of my Canadian Mystery Quilt.  They're behind in the block because they had to get out two other samplers from Shania Sunga Designs, but all are beautiful so I forgive them. ;)

Tomorrow I start Sewinf Sisters' quilts for the grades....  You'll see tomorrow what I mean.  Night for now.

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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