Sunday, July 24, 2016

Catching up....

Before our vacation to California I tried to complete a few things and I did get some things accomplished but I didn't blog about them.  So here I am catching up on a few things that I did accomplish already for my goals for the month and goals for the 3rd quarter.

I'm extremely proud of the Garden Tea Party I did for my friend Gro.

The flowers were quite hard to complete, it just took time and patience.  Each month I would be doing a centre tea pot, with some sort of applique and hand stitching needed on it.  Then the 5th month was the tea cups with the 3D tea bag (later there is a picture of this).  The 6th month was the flowers and then instructions on how to put it all together.  The results were fantastic!!

See the 3D tea bag in the picture below?  It was very easy to do and the dark part is black fabric in the white fabric.

The tea pots all had that hand stitching needed.  Like below...

I did machine button stitching around it all, but left the lace around the heart free.

The bee I used see through gauze for the wings, then realized that you couldn't see it that good anyways so I stitched around through the button stitching and that was the effect.  I like it!

Look at my stitching here, around the tea cups and wandering stitch around the flowers.

In the flower section around the tea pots I did wandering with small flowers at random.  I'm really happy with the results.

And a surprise on the back, a panel that says Garden Tea Party.  Perfect match!!

So cute......

So the results already have a home, couldn't even play with the quilt for a while  :(

But I did do something else I listed for "Things to do", I made the oversize table topper into a quilt.  Take a look below.

And the stitching was squares around the squares.  Very happy with the result....  And this one has a home already as well.....

I'm pleased with everything so far, and a great day.

I need to talk about something else as well, the Row by Rows that I've done in the past 2 weeks, including places in Vancouver Canada, Oregon, Washington, and California (some so cute here)!!!  But that's another day with more pictures, (and maybe a few done).  Thanks for readying this.

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One Monthy Goal for March

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