Monday, August 22, 2016

Back from Manitoba....

Been doing a lot of travelling, some for fun and some to get some stuff done.  But what that meant is that I have been away from my house for about 4 1/2 weeks, so I didn't do much sewing.....

I did get plenty of new Row by Rows in Portland, California, Washington, Manitoba and of course British Columbia.  But no time to actually stitch them.  Being back one week and a little exhausted but I needed creative time I did do a couple of them.  See below.  This one is a laser cut row by Undercover Quilts in Seattle.  Beautiful depiction of Seattle.  You put the white on first, then the black over top of it.  Notice the stadium with the Seahawks emblem?  There is also the fins of the whales in the water.  I love it.

Plus I've been away from the Splendid Sampler from Pat Sloan (you can still start and catch up).


Paper piecing on the left and applique on the left.

Plus to keep the creative side going I created these two dish towels.  The pattern is by Meags and me "Birdie" .  Material is L's Modern 2015 Spring

And I'm doing another block from the Canadian Mystery BOM by Shania Sunga Designs. This one is for up north.  Can you tell where it is?  It's the Yukin, and it's 12 1/2 by 1- 1/2.

And there is my Midnight Garden quilt.  It was my OMG challenge this month.  I said I would do three of them.  Two were done this weekend.  Check them out.  Have one more to do and I should be able to get it done this weekend.  That makes 5 out of 12 that I have completed.  Still excited about this one.


I also did about two hours of quilting on my Art Deco quilt (my Quarter Challenge).  The quilting is taking forever because I'm doing art deco quilting on it (lot of clear space to fill up).  You'll have to wait until it's done to see it.  That's it, that's been my weekend.  Going to keep on relaxing and doing my sewing.  School starts in two weeks.....

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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