Monday, December 17, 2018

Update American Patchwork Quilting

OK, another month gone by and now there is just one month left, December and you can bet your bottom dollar that there won't be that much sewing in December.  So now, here I am with at least  6 more to do, and three of those I can easily get done this month.  What do you say?  Can I?  OK, I'm looking at #7 and 3 to complete before the end.  I've done many others in the year, and some with no pictures, but I'm still working on completing this list.


1Pat Sloans BOM
Have about 60 to go out of 100.  Need to step it up.  I need to do box style borders.  This looks like it will be Decembers, so I need to do some work NOW!

2Black and white squares - September
For my aunt.  Just quilting left on a king size quilt.  Fully completed now.
3Sewing BOM
The quilt is finished!!!!   It's gorgeous and so large, I'm excited!  But I still have to quilt it so it's not included in this writeup!!  My gosh, it's gorgeous.

4Quilt Doddle BOM
All blocks are completed, now to put it together and quilting it.  Look at this one completed this month.

5Bird Runner
Have all material but not cut

6 Green Wool flowers
All put together need to quilt borders and quilt squares
7Triangles in old fashion - July
It's partly done, have about 5 squares completed, but I need to finish it.

8 Black & White modern - August
Paper pieced, have material, need to start squares.  Only have 3 squares out of 100 started.

9Table runner for Anna
All completed.  With a backing of blue.  Anna loves it.

10Monas quilt
All material there.  Flowers, purple and green with butterflies on it.  I love this quilt.  It was quilt like you go!!

11aMissouri quilt
Have Cake material, need to complete rest.  It's the choice for June

 l2  Barn door to complete - January
All completed, and hanging on my wall.  Fully quilted.

So for number 11, it's still the choice between one of these Missourri Quilt Company quilts.  The one I am very interested in doing this one with strips of a series and of white.

It needs two jelly rolls, one for a color series, and one for black and white. 

This one needs 1¾ yards dark solid fabric
1¾ yards light solid fabric
BINDING:  ¾ yard
BACKING:  3¼ yards - horizontal seam(s)
This one is smaller.

OK, I have so much to do in 1/2 a month, so I am so excited....  I almost got the entire list done, with a couple of side trips on different quilts. Got three weeks left to complete a couple of more quilts.

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