Thursday, May 29, 2014

Stars of Honor is beginning to grow.

It wasn't on my list of things to do because quite frankly, I had June to do it, but sometimes you feel like working with specific material and this was one of those days.  Debbie Mumm has a block of the month here that looks like the picture below.  She gives all the instructions at the start for the cutting but I've been cutting as I go because I wanted to try to use some of my stash and I have, but to make it for the military I have bought  some more to make it as big as it's getting.  The quilt is approximately 62" by 78" or thereabouts. It'll look great and my husband has already said he wants it. Sooooo  Another quilt to add to my collection.

This was May and June's block.  She does a section every two weeks so it's easy to complete and you make a number of the same blocks to add. The ones below, I had to make four of them.  The colours are different and definitely for a man.  But with the gold in it, it would be a lovely show quilt. Maybe.

Here is a picture with all the blocks so far:

This block of the month will last the entire year.  So I guess this will be one of my husband's Christmas gifts.

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One Monthy Goal for March

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