Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Thangles, thangles every where....

Today I decided to do some tangles, another thing on my To Do list.  Thangles are great and easy to do.  Here's a video form the Tangles company, it doesn't have sound, but it does explain it.

This link will take you to another video on thangles.  There are a number of sizes you can get the thangles in.  The chart below shows the cutting size of the strips and the size the hst will be.

Just to show you, these are some quilts that were made by Thangles.  You can see more at http://www.thangles.com/gallery.html 

After seeing those take  a look at what I'm working at, a number of different blocks you can do with Thangles.  Red, pink and green with little apple pattern.  Light tan in the background.  Made 7 today.  But that's only in 2 packs and with left overs for the flying geese.  This quilt will be fabulous.

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