Monday, July 21, 2014

Debbie Mumm's Quilt coming along....

With my husband's order to stay home and take it easy, "sew if you want" - boy what hardship ;)  My flu was not as bad today, all that sleep yesterday seemed to have helped, and a day of just taking it easy, and doing a bit of sewing, has also helped it along.

I did some cutting, to catch up on a couple of quilt blocks that need to be done.  There's Debbie Mumm's Stars of Honour - a free block of the month every two months.  Each block of the month you need to make four or six of them.  Here they are:

Another project I worked on was the spike block from the Block Lotto site.  I want to join in the fun this month, I missed the last one completely because of all the striking going on at the end of the school year.  But this time, I'm bound and determine to join  :).  I need to make 14 blocks for the queen size quilt this month, and here are 9.

Two for the Block Lottery

These seven for me.  Need to make 14 in total.

The basic colours for my block lotto quilt are wild colours - but the most of them are the orange and yellow background fabric in the picture.

I've also worked very hard, and cut out the Vice Versa blocks.  It's the first time I've every make flying geese with the large block and four smaller squares method, but at the end I found it extremely easy.  Can't believe I've done it any other way....  Hopefully I finish the blocks tomorrow and will post them then, as well as put it up on Flickr.

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