Sunday, November 16, 2014

Quilting like crazy last two weeks...

Now I've done it!!!  I joined a group stating I would finish seven different quilts by the end of December, and what do I do?  Start a new one!!  Jeeze!!!  I'm nuts!!!

I have finished  a couple another BOM, this one by Debbie Mum called Honor Star.  This one was great, it was a number of blocks every two months.  Manageable and fun to do.  Take a look at the results.

My quilting Buddie

Two Styles of Blocks every 2nd month
4 blocks each one.
The borders will be white.
But that's not the only thing that I did.  I started a new one as well.  I'm really getting into modern style quilting.  This pattern is by Allie Health.  I saw it in Modern Patchwork Winter 2014 magazine. I really love it.  Started to quilt it this weekend as well. Take a look.  I'm very happy with how it turned out.  Sorry for the darkness of some of the picture but I took this at night, which is usually when I finish something. Need to use my camera instead of my iPad.  It's been a busy 2 weekends, the only time I have to sew.  

I'm in the midddle of report cards, which means I'm in the middle of correcting everything that my high school students have handed in, which is a lot after I updated their marks, they started to hand in all sorts of late work.  That takes time to mark, but the quilting is my way of relaxing a bit, so I don't go crazy.  Great results right??

This was my "A Love Year of Finishes", almost done!!!  Just need to finish the quilting.

Quilting style. One white only
Think I'll send this one to the magazine to see if they publish it.  ;)

 Now I have two more quilts to quilt (I do free style), and that's a lot of work.  But this means there are more for my friends to admire and my quilting guild to see  ;)

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