Monday, February 15, 2016

Update on New Year's Resolution

It's been a month and a half now and I thought it would be a good time to review my resolutions to help me keep on track or get back on track.  Part of looking at your resolutions is to be honest, to not get down on yourself if you've gotten off track, but to rethink what you've said you would do, and to reset the goals. 

So here goes:


Do not buy quilt pattern and material unless I sew two quilts

Kept it for about a month, did three quilts in January and thought, OK, now I can buy.  But I bought more than I needed because the owners of Wineberry, a quilting store, retired and much of their stock went to 50 - 60% off, so I went crazy.  Mental note, no doing that agin!!!  Like an addiction, can't be near great prices otherwise I spend!

Only buy a new ruler every 3 months.

Came close to it twice but resisted the temptation.  Thought I better use the ones I have already, and behave!  And I did.

No more books unless I sew two quilts from the same book and do TWO books.  That's 4 quilts.

OK, this one didn't work out.  I've purchased two new books, but I have cut out two quilts from one book and one pattern from another.  So I came close.  I KNOW I need to stop buying books until I have some done.  But my mom and my friends are saying it's OK, you enjoy it.  And they're right.  I do enjoy the book, with all their lovely pattern.  In the end you want to make at least two or three, thus...  

Here are the two that broke my rule - from Some Kind of Wonderful - quilts to make with the QCR ruler (Quick curve ruler):  Contemporary Curved Quilts and one Wonderful Curve.  Check out the website to see some of the patterns - absolutely fantastic.  I'll be doing these soon.  I have a table topper to do for a couple that just got into a new home, and the husband promised them a quilt  :)

The latest book that I did do a quilt top from is PreCut Primer by Me and My Sister Designs.  There are 12 quilts in it, one per grade, and I've started with charm blocks, and I have made one!! Will post a blog about it later.  So I am doing it.  But will I make two?  Yes, I have the material but I did buy another book before finishing the 2nd one.  So I need to smarten up.  Is it only me or are others out there that see a quilt book and want to make AT LEAST two or three quilts in it?  In the Book Precut Primer I want to make all the quilts!!  My new goal, but I don't have time. They did have a blog hop on the book at Fat Quarter, and it's there that I purchased the book.  That's the quilt I made, it was the quilting that made the quilt look like that after I tea dyed it and washed it.  Was going to iron it, but I really like this look.

So this resolution is changing.  Make two quilts from the same book and I can buy a new one.  I am allowed to buy quilting magazines.

Make time to quilt - it relaxes me.  Be happy!

This last month has been crazy.  First exams, then marking exams, then starting up new courses.  And this term I'm teaching 5 different subjects in a class (in two of my blocks - that's 10 courses).  Then I have a minion (a student I am training) to learn how to repair computers, and parts of a computer.  So that's very busy.  Luckily I have cleaned up my quilting room.  I just got to get the pile of fabric down.  

But isn't it funny that when we run out of time, we always give up the things we love the most?  Keep on reading (I know it's boring  but I'm almost done).

Now we're at the goals...  I'm proud of this...  I did not do #1  (swimming) but I did do #2.  I'm walking up to 3 miles a day now.  So I'm getting there.  It's been raining so much I should have time to do some of these things but I'm so tired!!!

Goal #3 was to lose weight and I have, up to 4 pounds last month.  So I'm happy.  I was marking my food in but last week I didn't.  Need to start typing it in.  I have a bet goiong on with another woman and it's to see who loses 20 pounds first.  I'm so competitive this will give me the drive.  But then again, so is she.  :)

So all together three out of four is not bad.  I'll start again this week.

The final goal that I did do well on is to redo my sewing room so I can impulsively sew and not have to set it up (or move things). I bought a bench with a drawer and replaced the basket in my bedroom with the bench.  My cat sleeps on the bench, and I have a place to put my quilts.

The picture to the right is a picture of my sewing room.  I put my sewing machine on the desk instead of under the desk because I was able to clean the desk a little, and I did do enough quilts that this helped me clean the area.  (You can see it in the back by the window - still in progress).  I still need a cover for my machine but I did buy a new transportation bag for it.  I'm pleased with that.  Was only $35 for a very large one with tons of compartments.  Boy, was that a steal!!!

I have added another shelf unit by the bed (tucked in) to hold some of my Precuts that I am working on.  That's cleaned up some area.  But once more, when I get my UFO's cut down then it won't look so busy.  Those boxes are projects not completed on my desk.  and then there are the two (they're yellow) quilts that need to be finished quilting (they're taking so long with the free style!!!)  And the quilt (with backing) that is sitting on that bed.  A friend gave it to me.  GOOD friend!!!

I have finished two of my big UFOs so I can see light at the end of the tunnel.  Look at the list of quilts to complete to see which ones are done.  It's on the tab on top saying 2016 quilts.  But there is also a list on top saying "Quilts to Complete" that show all 50 some quilts that I need to get going on.  The ones that are done are crossed off so that motivates me to continue on.

And crazy me, I'm in the 356 blocks that everyone is talking about.  You make 3 - 6" blocks to make a full quilt in the end.  You'll learn a lot if you start that one.  Its from an Australian group and on facebook.  You sign up here.  Just look at the design!!!  CRAZY but sooooo wonderful.  I can't believe all those beautiful squares.  I'm looking at doing it in red and brown instead of the blue and brown.  If you sign up by mail, they'll do reminders and a link to each and every block.  

I also signed up for the new BOM by Cindy at Quilt Doodle Designs.  As you can probably see from my blog, I've done all her BOMs and I love them.  So this one is no exception, a Christmas quilt that will really shine.  Take a look  at the side bar, for a peak of the latest quilt.  Only two more...  silly me.

Some one said that if you have too much not done you will be unmotivated.  They're right.  But getting 1 - 2 done a week, even when it's small, helps

So some of the resolutions are helping and are getting done.  Baby steps remember? !!!  Oh why did I say baby steps, I have three baby quilts that I need to get done!!

PS> Never showed you this corner picture where the mess really is.  I'm working on it!!!  Remember, baby steps!!

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One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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