Monday, September 2, 2019

Working On September's OMG

OMG!!!!  I won the prize for August's OMG!!!!  Read about what I accomplished here.  But I was sooooooo excited to get an email from Elm Street Quilts saying that I won the thread kit!!  So excited and so useful as well.

Well, school starts tomorrow here in Surrey, BC and that means I won't be sewing so much.  It also doesn't help that I'm sick with the flu right now, but life goes on and so do I...

I finished one quilt that has been just sitting there on my desk for a year...  It's a paper piece by Tartankiwi,  She has some really beautiful patterns that are not for the faint of heart, they're from medium skill to very advance (her quilt patterns) and though you might want to do one right away, start with a few of her free ones.  This one was one of her free patterns (find it here) but now it cost $4 approximately.  I was lucky to get it when I did.

I have done some purchases from her (couldn't resist), and got the zebra face  as well as the big bear with bear claws.  The bear was the first time I saw her work and I was crazy about how well it turned out so I bought it.  But I digress, onward

I also completed another row of my Harry Potter Quilt which also happens to be my OMG from Elm Street Quilts.  That leaves two more rows to complete.  Here is what it looked like now. 

This quilt is lining the top of a queen size bed (now you can realize how huge it is).    I am quilting as I go, so it's going very well.  Thus the strips between each block.  It is actually a part of the quilt pattern so it works well to quilt as you go.

I also started the Disappearing Row by Row quilt by Patchwork Posse.  It's a lovely quilt but I'm behind 4 rows.  So  I completed two different rows to catch up.  One is 13 1/2 inches and the other is 8 inches.  So That's doing well.  I'm only using left over scraps from a different quilt that was completed two years ago.   I have the mountain row completed, the top row on this picture and I'm working on finding material for the third row.  It's coming along, so I'm happy.  And more importantly I'm cleaning house.  A friend asked me for a quilt and this one really does suit here.  The patterns are only free for the week on specific dates, but you can purchase to catch up if you want.  It's up to you.  I don't like to promote buying other people's patterns but I really do love this one, and it's over in November with a month to put all of it together.  I'm looking at quilt as you go again to quilt while I'm doing this.  It helps with my small sewing machine to work in small blocks or in this case in rows.  

Not bad for another weekend of sewing.  Have lots to show my guild the 2nd Tuesday of the month.  Have a great week everyone.


  1. the paper pieced quilt is lovely, very calming - I have not done paper piecing yet. . and I love the row by row pattern, Congrats on winning the OMG prizes!

    1. Thank you Jayne. I'm very excited about it. Can't wait to see the colors and what I can use. As for paper piecing there are many great tutorials out there and on YouTube. Take care.


One Monthy Goal for March

 Well I have tons of different quilts that I need to finish or at least start when I've gathered everything up in a neat little package,...

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