Thursday, July 11, 2024

What a day of cleaning!!!

 What a day!!!  I finally got down to it.  There is a heat wave here in BC, it is 24 but it feels like 32, that sort of thing, which makes it really hard to sew inside.  I do not have central air, but I do have an air conditioner in an apartment loft.  So it is hot, but I am trying to handle it.

That is White Rock, right by the ocean.  The tide was really out and it was 30 by the ocean.  Oh yeah, we are really getting it.  That was Tuesday.

Wednesday was going for a major walk in the forest to get some cooling down, and although the entire scene looks very very cool, it was hot.

This picture is Derby Reach, by the Fraser.  I had been walking the last couple of hikes with sandals because both of my runners were worn out and I threw them out.  All I had left were sandals that did not hurt my feet from the blisters I got trying to walk before hand.  LOL, I cannot win.  

So today I decided to stay in, give my feet a rest.  I bought new runners (from a foot store) to help me, been wearing them all day to me staying in today to see if they help, and the good news is that they do.  They support my feet better, and resting them today has really helped me as well.   

I also decided to do something that has been bothering me for ages, I cleaned up my sewing room.  Most of you sewers with a lot of UFOs (Unfinished objects or projects) know that when your sewing room gets overcrowded you cannot be creative in the room.  Well it came to that with me.  There are three really big passions in my life right now, painting, sewing and reading.  The  reading (actually the books) were beginning to take over my closet so I bought one of those revolving bookcases that are not suppose to take a lot of room and they revolve 360 degrees.  Take a look at my addition in my office.  It cleared out my entire closet and gave me back walk in space in my closet.

The bookcase comes with the dolly on the top, and it is short enough so that I can put things on top of it and reach it.  That is my drawing set on top.  The matt to the right is the cat matt where the cat can cool off. but putting the case there made the room smaller again, with everything else in it, so I started to move things around and put things away.  The room is now cleaner, but it is still crowded.  the back boxes are kits that I put together that I need to get done.  To the left of the door is my table that folds down (IKEA) and my chair.  On the chair is what I am currently working on.  There is still a lot of stuff in the room, but its getting there and now I do not mind going into the room and sewing again.

Next is the stuff on the right (which I am too embarrassed to show you.).  That is a fold up bed for visitors.  Thank goodness we do not have any at this time.  It will get there.  It is a small room.

Just wanted to share.  Maybe more cleaning tomorrow.  Oh, and in case you did not know that closet is full of my husbands sports stuff, not my sewing stuff.  So I cannot use it.  Take care and stay cool.

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