Monday, December 29, 2014

Finishes this year.

Finish Along 2014
OK, I understand that this is not due until the very end of December, but quite frankly, with all the stuff happening right before New Years, I won't have another day to complete this work.  So today or rather tonight, I decided to give up, and let it go.  I over did it, stating that I would finish 6 BOM's that I was working on throughout the year, and that I would have all of them done.  Not likely, but now I'm ready to concede. Why?  Because I did other quilts at the last minute for Christmas gifts.  So here is the link to the promise of what I would complete for the 2014 Finish Along with Katy from the "Thee Littlest Thistle".

A Lovely Year of Finishes
I also entered a quilt for "A Lovely Year of Finishes from "Fiber of All Sorts" and "Bittersweet", two fantastic sites to follow.  They are doing the same thing next year and I'm all in girls!!!  Still have a list of quilts to complete including some of my BOMs from this past year.  Also have 5 others that I followed but did not start, so I have plenty to do.  I also have 5 other kits that I found when cleaning up my sewing room for my mom who visited.  And my husband after discovering how much fabric I have has said "No more purchasing until I get some of this completed".  He's right of course, but who wants to not own such beautiful material (sigh......).  I need help!

All of these quilts have links or buttons on the side to click and see what was done.  You'll notice also on the side that there is a section called completed.  That's where most of the links are now.
Here is my list of quilts that I said I would do:

1)  Quilt Doodle Design - wonderful Christmas Quilt - All done.  Here will be a Quilt Hop at Quilt Doodle Designs in January to see everyone's winter quilt.  Join us...

2)  Pat Sloan's Globe Trotter Mystery Quilt BOM - completed it and gave it away for Christmas.  Turned out beautiful with Robert Kaufman material.  But no photo did justice to the material.

Loved it so much I did a smaller version for a Contest for my Quilting Guild.

3)  Debbie Mumm's Quilt of Honor - Husband didn't want to give this one away.  Also turned out exceptionally well.  Plain quilting on it, but really I should redo the quilting to something special in the square blocks.  I'll think about it. Maybe a star of some sort??  Any suggestions out there?

4)  Vice Versa Quilt - here is where I didn't have the time to get to it, even though I had two more blocks to do.  I just didn't have the time to cut out the blocks and do it.  But I've seen finished ones on the Flickr group and so excited to complete, will do it in the new year.  Gen X Quilters also has another BOM starting in January that looks very modern and great!!!  Want to do it but I'll have to think about it.
5)  My free Craftsy class that is a BOM.  Loved it!  Highly recommend it.  Look at the finished product (but not quilted so I failed in this one as well!!).  I joined another class that shows how to free style quilt each and every block (here I go again!!!)

6)  The final quilt that I said I would complete is my Pixelated Quilt.  Once more not done, but half way there. I did do 10 more rows of 2 1/2 inch quares.  It's a sunflower.  Coming along so well,

Size is large, but squares are 2 1/2 inches, so in the end about 2 inches each.
But I did do others, and this is what they look like.  (did I mention I work full time?  Boy am I sucking up!)They are all completed:
1)  !2th Man Quilt for my husband.  Seattle Seahawks of course!

2)  Flannel Quilt (had to finish it when my husband found out how much material I have.  We have a rule, I can't buy more material until I finish some quilts.  Well, I can't buy material now, until I get my stash down, because it's so much).  Called "Friends are like Flowers".  Sorry, bad picture.  Cat loves trying out quilts especially if they're made of flannel.

3)  A smaller quilt top that I've had cut out for 3 years, completed it today when I found it.  But I'm adding buttons for the center tomorrow.  Quilting all done.  Did echo quilting of the flowers.  It's about a yard wide.

4)  A kit that I absolutely loved to make. Graphic Quilt Cross by Allie Health.   It was two charm packs, one in black and one in white.  Take a look at the quilting. Spent a Saturday doing it on my small sewing machine.


5)  Pinky.  It's all binded and finished, with a black backing, and I quilted in white thread.  Looks amazing.  My own design.  The picture below is not binded, but it is done.  See the quilting below as well.

6)  A purse
and finally .....
7)  a Wool table top for a round table all hand stitched.  Gave to my mom for Christmas.

Does that make up for not getting everything done on my list???


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Katy for doing this challenge and helping me to complete many of my quilts. Two years ago the goal was to do a quilt a month, this year I've topped it with your help. Thanks again.


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